MadeUp Studio established in 2015, specializing in Architectural, Interior designing and Landscape design requirements. We emphasize the creation of unique spaces that are both beautiful and functional.
As designers we strive to design and construct spaces which are enjoyable, pleasant and hard to forget. We have a great passion for home renovation and home remodelling projects.
The main goal is to learn every aspect of clients space requirements
We then begin the process of translating the program into efficient Building design. This is when we
get into the design concept and also get an idea of the outlook .
In this phase we would have done a satisfying function of the interior arrangement of spaces and also developed exterior views. Interior layout with measurements will be completed. Also materials to be used also will be discussed to the client.
All the construction retailed drawings needed for the site will be handed over .Which means all the
information necessary to communicate the design to a general building contractor to start the work
on site will be handed.
The construction drawing along with any additional information required to get a building permit are
submitted to the respective authorized offices.
During construction we visit the site at regular intervals and also will be there to communicate our drawing to the contractor and also to address the issues at site.